There were a few points during the wedding weekend that…

Happy National Friendship Day!
According to one corner of the blogosphere, today is National Friend Day. And just in time too. With crazy work, crazy piano playing neighbor, crazy exercising and crazy wedding planning, I’ve been quite the bad friend lately. I haven’t actually talked to my oldest friends in a long time (blog comments, text messages and brief emails don’t count).
I’ll try to make a bunch of calls after work tonight. In the meantime, I’ll suck up to them with internet praise in alphabetical order:
Jackie – You’re the most adorable person to ever work on a cure for Dengue Fever.
Jean – You’re my baby sister, my maid of honor and a great scientist!
Liz – You were friends with me in junior high, which probably took some guts. I hope your medical residency is going well!
Margaret – You’re the best activity buddy there is. I owe you a million thanks for all the wild stunts you’ve helped with over the years. (PS: Move to SF)
Nicole – You are, by far, the hardest working person I know. I love our funny, stubborn friendship!
Sarah – There’s just something about Sarah. Everyone wants to be your friend. I think it’s because you’re so clever.
And a happy National Friend Day to all my new friends in San Francisco and anyone I’ve forgotten! Darn it…now I have that Girl Scout song stuck in my head.
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Hi, this is really an interesting blog on Friendship day. Reach out to your friends by sending Friendship Day Cards .
i second the move to SF. i hope you’re reading this, marga! i really need someone to stay with when i’m visiting (purely selfish motives).
I like that my picture indicates that my head is as large as a small person. That is utterly fantastic. And not terribly untrue. Thanks for the lovely comments, I can’t wait to be the best maid of honor ever!
Hi Em! You’re so sweet. I’m sorry we haven’t talked in so long. I’m in Peru right now, doing mosquito stuff and will be back in November. I’ll have to come visit you and Rob in the city when I return. You can tell me all about the wedding plans 🙂
Hahah! The perspective in your photo was unintentional! Your head isn’t that big 😉