We just bought our tickets to Mountain Play for the…

Ladies Activity Club: Felted Beads
We had the November Ladies Activity Club last night, hosted by Alison! She had already decorated her lovely apartment for the holidays and had a pot of cider on the stove, so it felt really festive. Snacks included homemade spinach dip, cookies, holiday breads and cinnamon olives.
For our activity, we made felted beads for holiday ornaments and decorations (somewhat along these instructions). I wish I had taken a photo of my final pieces drying this morning. They’re going to make such a cute little garland! You can see all the party photos online here.
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this was so fun! i have all my beads lined up in my windowsill.
yeah great job Allison! I’m going to felt some more tonight…
I’ve been wanting to learn how to do that. I’ve seen all these really cute felted animals on Etsy.
ps your Paris photos are so lovely.
I don’t think we’re quite ready for animals yet. But the beads are quite lovely. Thanks for coming everyone!