Thanks to the expert suggestions of wonderful EmilyStyle readers, Rob…

President Elect Obama
Yes. We. Can.
The party is in full swing here at the apartment. We even shared a champagne toast with our neighbors across the back drive at the moment of the announcement. An amazing night!
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hooray!!! today is a very happy day.
I am proud to be an American and a Democrat!!! And I am so proud of my fellow “Swing State” Michiganders who helped elect Obama!! January cannot come soon enough!! I heart U Barack Obama…I heart U!
I am so happy tonight!!!
For the first time I am REALLY proud to be an American! And I am REALLY proud of my home swing state of Virginia!! Can’t wait to see what Michelle is wearing to the Ball 🙂 love her but hated the acceptance speach outfit last night…BUT love her more than I hated the outfit 🙂
Totally agree about loving Michelle and about hating her dress last night.