Have you heard Wyclef's new song called "President?" I can't…

Weekend Round-Up: Town & Country
Funny weekend! A bit of city elegance mixed with backcountry camping. We started out on Friday with Heart of a Soldier. Regular Turkish deli dinner before the show. The opera wasn’t the finest new work I’ve seen, but enthusiastically staged and fairly touching.

The next day, we left the city early for a bike event called the Lion of Fairfax. Rob did his first ever cyclocross race! No flats, no injuries and a strong finish. It was fun to spend some time with the Marin dogs+kids set on the race sidelines. BBQ lunch at the race.
At 3:00, we met Elizabeth and Kevin at the Bear Valley Visitor Center in Pt. Reyes for a camping trip! 4 mile hike in along a fern valley to set up at Glen Camp. Once we got the tents up, it was time for the backpacker’s staple: “sierra margaritas” made with tequila, water, powdered gatorade and (if you’re feeling fancy) lemons.
We ate so much bread with truffle mustard and played cards until Margaret and Sean hiked in at 8:00 with our dinner supplies. Big bowls of hot pasta! Very lively conversation until we turned in for bed.
Chocolate chip pancakes and coffee for breakfast in the morning. Rob is the best camping-trip pancake-maker.
We hiked out of camp at 10 or so. 2 miles to where we dropped our packs for a while and another mile out to the coast. Beautiful views of Point Reyes from the shore. We picnicked on the beach with Elizabeth’s pasta salad.
Back out along the main trail. Lots of lizards and pretty ferns. Those packs were starting to feel a little heavy!
We parted ways and drove back to the city. Rob and I had hot showers at home and a quiet dinner.
Next Post: Ladies Activity Club: Breadmaking
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When I looked at the first photo, before I realized you were holding a camera, I initially thought you were using a compact to powder your nose. My gramma always had a compact, she owned lots of them, and some were quite fancy. I wish we still used them!