Easter at my parent's home in San Luis Obispo is…

Outfits I’ve Outgrown in Week 35 of Pregnancy
I had been planning to wait longer before posting another series of outfits. However, a) I don’t have much to report otherwise. My life consists of a rotating menu of salmon, eggs, plain greek yogurt and vegetables, drinking endless glasses of water, braxton hicks contractions, baby feet jutting out four inches from my side, trying to keep my ankles from swelling massively and wrapping up client projects. And b) I’m outgrowing outfits at a rate of about one a day and might as well post them for posterity. Pretty soon, I’ll need to construct some kind of dress out of sheets and ropes to venture outside. So, anyway, I’m still here, still pregnant with five more weeks to go.
1. Running errands downtown
It was cold and foggy for half this week and forced me into pants. I used this Barbour vest to conceal my pregnancy early on – which now seems ridiculous since it is so, so far from being able to zip up.
2. Evening walk
Pants! Twice in a row! Things really are getting desperate. I wore this out for a couple miles of walking at the end of a busy day. Strangers are friendly and inquisitive for about five minutes and then – hot potato style – try to foist me on someone else in case my water is about to break dramatically, as it would in a movie. I’m eating string cheese here…which I pretty much always am.
3. Farmer’s market
This denim dress looks okay in this photo, but I think it’s officially outgrown now. Everything is just getting so short. The slightest breeze turns these dresses in to a romper with a 1/2 inch inseam.
4. Walking downtown with Rob
The first of two beloved crepe maternity dresses that are now too short in front to wear out again. I wore this to walk downtown and back with Rob to return some gifts. I remember looking at this dress around month four and thinking it was so impossibly large, that I’d never fill it.
5. Trip to the cheese shop in Hayes Valley
Not being able to see below my equator, I had no idea that my favorite black dress had become way too short until I was out in the neighborhood after a long day of wearing it everywhere. RIP black crepe maternity shirt dress. You were my go-to in New Zealand and at least once a week for the last few months.
6. Biking in the park
Biking is a major saving grace for me these days. It’s the only way I can get my feet to de-swell , it seems to balance my pelvis and reduce waddling, and it feels so great to exercise without having to carry the extra weight on my legs. Rob and I went all the way to Ocean Beach and back on Sunday, a round-trip of about 12 miles.
Oh dear, what am I going to do for the next couple weeks?!
Next Post: 9 Outfit Ideas for 8 Months Pregnant
Previous Post: 15-minute grilled salmon with fresh mint tzatziki
Hi Emily! The Internet is such a strange place, I feel like I know you even though you are a complete stranger. I was excited to find out you were pregnant, especially since I’m a few months behind you in my second pregnancy. It’s been fun to relieve the enthusiasm of a first pregnancy. 😉 Hang in there! It’s going to be great!
Thanks for the nice note, Jill! Congratulations on your second baby. I heard the second pregnancy feels so fast compared to the first. I feel like this has been a 22 month elephant pregnancy!