Everything in Hawaii is lush and majestic...except for the terrifying…

Dear Lucille: Month Seven
Oh, my sweet girl! We got a letter this month from our terrific health insurance company stating that the hospital charges for your delivery added up to almost $500,000. You are such as a happy, easy-going baby. Worth every penny!
Your personality is starting to shine this month. You appear to be a real “observer” in nature. You are happiest when there are a lot of people around, but you have a quiet spot in either a backpack or stroller to watch the action on your own. You love fresh air and getting to go on adventures to see something new at least once a day.
Mobility has been a big gain this month. You are a pro at spinning around your crib and rolling over. You wish you could crawl, but right now are stuck with just kicking those strong legs in frustration. You’re good at sitting up, but will still flop right over with no notice.
You’re also surprisingly good at standing when you have something to lean against. All that bouncing in your doorway jumper must be paying off.
You’re eating more than ever and can successfully navigate a piece of waffle or bites of meatloaf now. You love the Baby Mum Mum rice crackers. You now ask for three meals a day and a snack of real food in addition to your milk – which I’m still pumping three times a day.
You’re getting back to being a better sleeper but still end up in bed with us for the last hour of the night most of the time. In the morning, you love to pinch our cheeks and pull our hair until we wake up.
You weighed in at your doctor’s appointment at 18 lbs and still over 90th percentile in every category.
We took you volunteering in the parks at Laguna Honda Hospital and Mt. Sutro this month. You are a great sport.
We also hiked with the Parks and Recreation Department for a planning session at McClaren Park. It rained a record-breaking amount this month, but you still managed to get outside.
I spoke at at the grand opening of a new blood bank in Santa Rosa in February – they made you a cute name tag that said “My mom was saved by blood donors.”
We went up to Tahoe for the weekend with Greg, Kevin and Margaret. You love the snow and cold weather.
Mostly, you like sleeping when you are bundled up out in the cold.
You also learned how to “dance” this month and love rocking back and forth whenever there is music on. All this work on movement is wearing you out though – you’re back to being a pretty dedicated napper.
You went to your first baby birthday party – the 2nd birthday for our friend Rhodes.
We’re in SLO right now, staying with my parents while Rob is in Boston for work. You love hanging out with Aunt Skye and your cousins – who absolutely shower you with gifts and snuggles.
Those toes.
You are the best!
Next Post: We’re going to Lisbon, Portugal
Previous Post: Dear Lucille: Month Eight
Love the updates. Donated a pint of blood last week!
That’s awesome, Sarah!