I was so excited to throw a dinner party in…

Easy and hard things when flying to London with a 9 month old baby on your own
The upside of a spouse who works for an international non-profit is that you get to travel a lot for his work. The downside is you sometimes have to get there on your own, with a baby in tow. Lucy and I flew to London last Friday to meet Rob for this latest European trip. I planned out my wardrobe the week before and packed our bags on Thursday night.
Easy: Packing as light as possible. My bag had a set of mix-and-match clothing in navy, maroon and yellow for this trip. Lucy’s bag was half empty with clothes, diapers and a couple blankets. A small carry-on was packed with milk supplies, toys, extra clothes, food and diapers for the baby. Our Mountain Buggy Mini stroller continues to be a great match for our travel and city life. Hard: Even with packing light and paying $5 to rent a luggage cart for 15 minutes, it was challenging to get everything out of the cab and across to the bag drop counter at the airport with Lucy in the stroller.
Easy: Getting to the airport early so Lucy could wear herself out. Hard: white pajamas. Airport floors are so dirty! I should have brought a change of clothes for her right before we got on the plane.
Easy: Getting Lucy a MMR vaccine early before we left for Europe. Hard: We should have done it a couple weeks earlier. Our pediatrician warned us that in the next week or two she would get a mini-case of measles. She started getting a rash at the airport and had a fever on the flight. Her jet lag in the UK has been made worse by the symptoms – poor thing!
Easy: Flying British Airways. They always do such a nice job and with a baby in tow you get an amazing upgrade to business class for free. I had a huge seat with lots of storage, meals with real dishes and silverware. Lucy fell asleep before the plane even took off and snuggled into her little baby cot seat comfortably for almost 9 of the 10 hour flight. She did so well! Hard: My seat-mate was grumpy about her for the entire flight, regardless. Oh well!
Easy: Bringing a well-packed carry-on. At this age, unpacking all the toys and blankets from the carry-on was the most fun game in the universe to Lucy. For the brief time she was awake, we played unpacking with toys stuffed in the seatback pocket, unpacking with blankets in the bag, unpacking with bottles in the storage bin. Hard: Bringing the Ergo carrier with us. Maybe we would have used it if she was more upset during the flight. Instead, it just took up a lot of room in the bag.
Easy: Getting picked up at the airport! It was so nice to see Rob on the other side of the customs screening after our long journey.
Next Post: Dear Lucille: Month Nine
Previous Post: Staying with Baby in Lovely Lymington, UK
Taking notes over here! We’re taking Beatrice to the U.K. for three weeks in July/August… (And flying BA too! Bassinet seat already reserved.
How great to hear that everything went relatively well. Why are people so grumpy about infants on places? I had a negative experience when my child was 9 months old and it made everything so much worse. Glad you made it okay and you are such a tough lady taking her all by yourself. =)
Who could look into that little face and be grumpy? Seatmates can be so awful sometimes!
Hope you have a wonderful trip.
I can’t believe someone was grumpy about a sleeping baby. They know nothing!!
Have a wonderful trip!
You are so incredibly organized. And lucky! We used to fly BA and got tired of the cramped cabin and rude coach attendants. We were upgraded once and it was a different world!
Thanks for the tip about the early MMR vaccine! Considering that for my baby since we will travel to Socal for her 1st bday. Enjoy Europe!