Articles Written By: mrsem

This author has written 3874 articles
We’re back!

We’re back!

What an amazing trip! 10 days in Japan now seems more like a few months of vacation. So many temples, restaurants, shops, trees, monkeys....all of…
Away we go!

Away we go!

I've figured out how to say "yes" but not "no" in Japanese. And I think I know how to get to the first hotel from…
To Do: Xerxes

To Do: Xerxes

Rob and I went to the opera last night to see Xerxes. I considered cancelling altogether in favor of packing for Japan, but I'm so…
To Do: Japanese Flea Markets

To Do: Japanese Flea Markets

I'm imagining all-Japanese holiday decor this year. With paper and fabric supplies from our trip to Japan, there's all kind of wrapping and ornaments to…
Book Report: Fall Edition

Book Report: Fall Edition

I've been reading a lot now that winter is here and it's colder outside. Here are a couple books I've run through lately:Tenting To-night -…
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