Grateful: Free Hairpiece

Grateful: Free Hairpiece

One more great gift from the blogosphere. Last week, Sherri emailed me with the fun offer of a free hairpiece:"I happen to have a vintage,…
Grateful: Special Photo

Grateful: Special Photo

Another very special gift from the internet came from Chelsea, one of my all-time favorite bloggers. In June, she was sorting through the past and…
Grateful: Limonata

Grateful: Limonata

During the course of wedding planning, I've been the recipient of several random acts of internet kindness. I've held off on blogging about them for…
To Do: Escort Cards

To Do: Escort Cards

Another great idea co-opted from Shauna & Jeff's wedding. These escort cards looks so tidy all lined up on the entrance table. Here's a wider…
To Do: Google Docs

To Do: Google Docs

Definitely one of the better tools that helped me organize the wedding! I keep my wedding RSVP list, thank you card list, timeline for the…
To Do: Napkins

To Do: Napkins

There are so, so many lovely details from Shauna & Jeff's Marin wedding. I'm cribbing as many as I can for our own event.In particular,…
To Do: Wedding Floorplan

To Do: Wedding Floorplan

More wedding ephemera. After sending out the invitations, Rob and I were delighted to receive so many RSVP's back in the mail.We were expecting about…
To Do: Polaroids

To Do: Polaroids

So, the next 11 days are basically going to be Wedding Wednesday all the time if that's okay with you...there are just so many little…
Inspired: Antique Lace

Inspired: Antique Lace

There are so many things I'm excited about for the wedding! One of the best is my grandmother's antique lace dress. My mom did some…
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