January 5, 2008 What to Wear: 60’s Wedding A costume wedding? That's pretty fun! Here is Jodee's request:Hi, I am writing with a little fashion emergency. My husband and I have been invited… Read More→
January 5, 2008 Flood Watch ....And I'm back at home. About a half hour after arriving at work, the whole area went dark. It was spooky being in my dark… Read More→
January 5, 2008 What to Wear: Yellow Shoes Lordy..the weather is awful today. 45 mph winds, heavy rain, blackouts that stopped our bus halfway to work. I'm soaked and I think it is… Read More→
January 4, 2008 2008 Mix Tape What better way to kick off a new year than with a new mix CD. A soundtrack for the next few months! I just sent… Read More→
January 4, 2008 Sale Alert: Le Creuset Sur La Table is running a big sale on Le Creuset cookware this week. Some of their big French ovens are almost half off. Combined… Read More→
January 4, 2008 To Do: Watch Movies Yesterday was our last day with cable TV. After we got home from the gym (so crowded), there was absolutely nothing worth watching on any… Read More→
January 3, 2008 20 Resolutions for 2008 I have a bad habit of making obtuse resolutions each year. For example: "be a better person" which was a draft for 2008. (My masseuse… Read More→
January 3, 2008 Weekend Round-Up: Goodbye to the Holidays A girl could really get used to these lazy four day weekends! The past few days were a great chance to relax, hang out with… Read More→
December 29, 2007 Happy New Year! Enjoy your long weekend and have a great time ringing in the New Year. I'll be back on Wednesday! Read More→
December 29, 2007 Party Recipe: New Year’s Day Brunch It's not so much that I've forgotten about Tuesday's party...it's just that I haven't really given any thought to it lately. Time to get cracking!… Read More→