Flood Watch

Flood Watch

....And I'm back at home. About a half hour after arriving at work, the whole area went dark. It was spooky being in my dark…
2008 Mix Tape

2008 Mix Tape

What better way to kick off a new year than with a new mix CD. A soundtrack for the next few months! I just sent…
Sale Alert: Le Creuset

Sale Alert: Le Creuset

Sur La Table is running a big sale on Le Creuset cookware this week. Some of their big French ovens are almost half off. Combined…
To Do: Watch Movies

To Do: Watch Movies

Yesterday was our last day with cable TV. After we got home from the gym (so crowded), there was absolutely nothing worth watching on any…
20 Resolutions for 2008

20 Resolutions for 2008

I have a bad habit of making obtuse resolutions each year. For example: "be a better person" which was a draft for 2008. (My masseuse…
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